Club ethos / purpose of Cranleigh Football Club is:
to inspire a life-long love of football and a passion for teamwork
to improve players skills and knowledge of the game
to make the local community proud of the football club and its members
to provide a fun, inclusive, healthy, safe, social, and sustainable service to the community
We will achieve this by:
- providing the opportunity to play football to anyone regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs
- expecting that all our coaches, players, parents, guardians and supporters follow the FA Code of Conduct
- expecting all our coaches to engage in continuous learning to develop their coaching knowledge and abilities including gaining the highest possible coaching qualifications
- improving players’ technical ability and tactical awareness, and promote high levels of sportsmanship and resilience
- providing players access to training, league matches, tournaments and ancillary opportunities
- ensuring players play at a level appropriate to their stage of development, enabling them to contribute to, and progress their development
- ensuring match selection and game time is transparent
- offering pathways for all players into open age football
- making available as many places for players as possible, taking into account the capacity of the club and its volunteers
- training and supporting our coaches and volunteers to provide a positive environment that values player well-being and inclusivity
- developing the club and its facilities to ensure a sustainable future
- encouraging all parents, guardians, and supporters to become involved with the club and contribute to its success and role in the community

Not-for-profit club
As a not-for-profit club, we’re also keen to attract sponsors, so would love to hear from anyone who wants to associate their company with such a positive and growing aspect of the local community. Whatever your level of involvement with the club, I’d like to wish you all the best for the coming season.
As a club we’re currently entering an exciting new phase of development. We’re looking to understand how we can enhance our role in the local community, and explore the opportunity of offering football to new groups, such as female and disability. However, we want to make sure there is genuinely a demand for this, and that we can meet that demand.
We recognise that we’ll need more help if we’re to explore and move forward these potential new developments, so would urge you to get involved and help drive the club forwards.
We’re a friendly bunch and will provide support for anyone who wants to help us expand our activities in the local community. Additional assistance will enable us to make the next step in the club’s development, and potentially mean many more children can benefit. It’s also a great opportunity for those volunteering to be part of something which is rewarding, challenging and fun. If you’re interested, then we’d love to hear from you.